Service Description
Acupuncture has a lot of attention from the modern healthcare arena as appropriate treatment for almost all internal conditions and pain conditions. Because it is used by so many Americans, published research in the United States continues to prove that Acupuncture works for what ails you! It is for Chronic pain, Acute pain, Neurological pain, Post surgical pain, and nearly any other kind of pain. Scalp acupuncture is especially amazing for stroke recovery and neurological conditions. Acupuncture is also amazing to reduce stress, relieve anxiety, uplift mood, improve sleep, and tune to the season. Listen to music, breathe, and be relaxed while the treatment recalibrates you and/or resolves pain conditions. Treat yourself to seasonal tune-ups, or reduce stress and rejuvenate in the middle or end of a long week.
Contact Details
2970 Hilltop Mall Road, Richmond, CA, USA